Comas Àireamhachd 0-100 (Gaelic numeracy)
In this course you will learn the numbers 0-100 in Scottish Gaelic and through fun practice activities become confident in using them in a variety of contexts.
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FREE PREVIEWHow to use this course
How do you feel about numbers?
Numbers 0-10
0-10 cleachdadh
Cia mheud 1-10
FREE PREVIEW0-10 worksheet
Test your learning
Numbers 11-20
Cleachdadh 11-20
Cia-mheud 11-20
11-20 worksheet
11-20 quiz
How to use numbers 11-20 with things
Rudan 11-20
worksheet: numbers 11-20 with things
20-100 by 20's
20-100 (20s)
0-100 (20) cleachdadh
0-100 (20'S) Cia mheud
worksheet 20-100 (20's)
0-100 (20s) quiz
20-100 (10s)
20-100 (10's)
0-100 (10s) cleachdadh
0-100 (10s) cia mheud
0-100 (10s) dot gu dot
0-100 (10s) quiz